
Welcome to Fountain Fertility Group

Frustrated you're not getting pregnant?

Kathy Fountain will help you regain control

The next session will offer 6 consecutive weekly classes

Classes start at 7 p.m. proceeded by an optional 6:30 sharing time

 Call for specific dates and times.


Click Here to Complete our Mind Body Class application.


813-833-8393 | 813-293-2716


Why the Mind Body Program for Infertility Might Be Your Best New Year’s Resolution

Why the Mind Body Program for Infertility Might Be Your Best New Year’s Resolution

Kathy_FountainI remember my own struggle with trying to conceive a few years ago. I remember the feelings of frustration and helplessness. I desperately needed hope and guidance.

That’s why I teach the Mind Body Class for Infertility today, because it yields results. I wish it had been there for me.

For the past seven years, I have seen women sign up for the class hoping to learn to relax, and take back a sense of control – but what they learn is much more. They not only discover inner peace about their fertility journey, but something surprising happens in every class:

At least 9 out of 10 end up with a baby within a year or so.

Yoga1I say it’s surprising because we don’t promise pregnancy, yet that’s what frequently happens. All I know is that in the process of opening up their minds to new options and to the connection between mind and body, they resolve their infertility and become mothers. Some get pregnant, others adopt, others turn to some other method, many taking the class as a complement to their medical treatment.

I say all this because I know this program takes a commitment of time, money and effort. I would love to show you why it’s well worth it.

If you’re ready to take this natural step towards having your family, I think it’s the best thing you can do for yourself in the New Year. What do you think?


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