The Fountain Fertility Group’s mission is to offer hope for those trying to conceive or explore other family building options. Our group is dedicated to providing understanding, support and information to help you on your journey.
Whether you are looking for fertility help, family building options or infertility counseling, Fountain Fertility Group is uniquely prepared to help you achieve your success.
Fountain Fertility Mind Body Program
Kathy introduced her version of the Mind-Body Program for Fertility in 2007 in the Tampa Bay area helping hundreds of women take back control of their lives and in most cases find success becoming moms.
A former participant in the program, Jocie Fletcher is now a partner in the Fountain Fertility Group and our Fountain Fertility Mind Body Program Instructor leading the training of women and couples to successfully navigate the difficult waters of fertility.
We’re excited to share that the Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program is being offered virtually!
In addition to the mind-body techniques, the class now also includes fertility yoga, nutritional counseling, and special couples classes.
You can learn more about the program and how to sign up for classes by visiting our Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program page.
Our Offices are located in Tampa:
238 E. Davis Blvd., Suite 313, Tampa, Florida 33606
813-833-8393 Kathy Fountain
813-293-2716 Jocie Fletcher