
Welcome to Fountain Fertility Group

Frustrated you're not getting pregnant?

Kathy Fountain will help you regain control

The next session will offer 6 consecutive weekly classes

Classes start at 7 p.m. proceeded by an optional 6:30 sharing time

 Call for specific dates and times.


Click Here to Complete our Mind Body Class application.


813-833-8393 | 813-293-2716


About Fountain Fertility Group

About Fountain Fertilty Group

Fountain Fertility Group LogoThe Fountain Fertility Group’s mission is to offer hope for those trying to conceive or explore other family building options. Our group is dedicated to providing understanding, support and information to help you on your journey.

Whether you are looking for fertility help, family building options or infertility counseling, Fountain Fertility Group is uniquely prepared to help you achieve your success.

Fountain Fertility Mind Body Program

Kathy introduced her version of the Mind-Body Program for Fertility in 2007 in the Tampa Bay area helping hundreds of women take back control of their lives and in most cases find success becoming moms.

A former participant in the program, Jocie Fletcher is now a partner in the Fountain Fertility Group and our Fountain Fertility Mind Body Program Instructor leading the training of women and couples to successfully navigate the difficult waters of fertility.

We’re excited to share that the Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program is being offered virtually!

In addition to the mind-body techniques, the class now also includes fertility yoga, nutritional counseling, and special couples classes.

You can learn more about the program and how to sign up for classes by visiting our Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program page.

Our Offices are located in Tampa:
238 E. Davis Blvd., Suite 313, Tampa, Florida 33606
813-833-8393 Kathy Fountain
813-293-2716 Jocie Fletcher

Kathy Fountain, LMHC #7630

Kathy Fountain | Fountain Fertility GroupKathy Fountain is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Florida (FL#7630) and National Board Certified Counselor specializing in fertility and infertility issues.

Her practice includes counseling individuals and couples who are experiencing the stresses that accompany fertility issues.



Kathy understands that infertility is one of the most difficult things you will ever experience. It can affect your self-esteem and create a strain on your relationships with family, friends and even your partner. Even if you’ve never considered counseling before, Fountain Fertility Group can provide much-needed support at this stressful time in your life. Fountain Fertility Group welcomes LGBT individuals and couples.


For the more than nearly 20 years years Kathy Fountain has worked hand in hand with reproductive doctors, egg donor and surrogacy agencies and attorneys. Kathy uses American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ARSM) guidelines in conducting evaluations and psychoeducational consults for clients seeking to build their families through IVF, egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation and gestational surrogacy. Ms. Fountain works with LGBTQ couples and single moms by choice.

About Kathy Fountain

Kathy is known in the Tampa Bay area as a long-time former news anchor and talk show host for WTVT Fox 13. She has published articles and is a highly respected speaker on the topic of stress and infertility.

She is a member of the Mental Health Professionals Group within the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. She is a certified professional instructor of the Fountain Fertility Mind Body Program, having trained with Alice D. Domar, Ph.D., at the Mind Body Center for Woman’s Health in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Fountain is the founder of the Fountain Fertility Mind Body Program in Tampa Bay.

Ms. Fountain also is one of the facilitators for the Tampa chapter of Resolve, the national infertility support group. For 20 years she was the honorary chair of the March of Dimes WalkAmerica (now Walk for Babies) in Tampa Bay.

Jocie Fletcher, LCSW #8050

Jocie Fletcher | Fountain Fertility Group

Jocie Fletcher is a Licensed Clinical Social worker (LCSW) with a specialty in fertility and infertility issues. She is bi-lingual and speaks fluent Spanish. She has been providing therapeutic services to children, teens, adults and families since 1998. She has a B.A. in Social work and Spanish Linguistics, an M.A. in Social Work.

Fertility Consults

Jocie is experienced in working with local reproductive clinics, conducting psychoeducational consults with individuals and couples prior to building their families through IVF, egg donation, sperm donation and embryo donation.

Mind Body Instructor

Jocie is a member of the Mental Health Professionals Group within the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). She is also a certified professional instructor of the Mind Body Program for Infertility, having trained with Alice Domar, PhD, at the Mind Body Center for Women’s Health in Boston, Massachusetts. Jocie has been a certified instructor of the Mind Body Program of Tampa Bay since 2015. She enjoys the experience of teaching mind body techniques to women and couples experiencing the stress of infertility.

Therapeutic Experience

Jocie is a certified Kids Yoga Instructor, Certified Myers Briggs Practitioner, Certified Perinatal Mood Disorder clinician, Certified in MBSR (Mindful Based Stress reduction) and Qualified Clinical Supervisor.  In addition, Jocie has worked as a clinical therapist and provided mental health treatment, consultation, and training at various programs within the state of Florida including Hillsborough County Head Start / Early Head Start, Lutheran Services Florida, Northside Mental Health Center in the Specialized Treatment Services Department working with victims of abuse and neglect, and The Department of Children and Families in the Foster Care/ Reunification program.

About Jocie

Jocie is married with two children, ages 12 and 9, both conceived via IVF. Prior to becoming an instructor in the Fountain Fertility Mind-Body class, Jocie was a participant in one of the early classes. She is still in close contact with the other women she met in the class, all of whom became friends and most ended up having children after leaving the class.

A Note From Kathy...

Thank you for visiting Fountain Fertility. I’m so glad you are here.

While visiting our site, you will find resources for infertility, social support, emotional support and help for re-connecting with your partner.

You will also find information about the Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program, a research- based program developed at Harvard University. For the past 20 years, thousands of women across the country have regained control of their lives by incorporating the coping skills taught in the Fountain Fertility Mind Body program on their journey to getting pregnant or becoming a mother in some other way.

The good news is that the Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program is available to you,  through the Fountain Fertility Group. We now offer Virtual Classes and expanded resources. Visit our Fountain Fertility Mind-Body Program page to learn more about the program and resources.

Our website has also been designed to be a valuable infertility resource to connect you to information about your chances of conceiving, the latest research on getting pregnant, egg donation, sperm donation, gestational surrogacy and commonly asked questions about getting pregnant or becoming a parent.


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